Saturday, August 25, 2012

Why is fruit and jelly important to a bird's diet?

Many different types of birds prefer fruit and jelly as a main source of food. Small samplings of the birds you'll attract in offering fruit are mockingbirds, orioles and robins to name but a few. Some birds also enjoy and thrive on grape jelly, including grey catbirds and American robins.

Fruit and jelly are both outstanding sources of energy, containing natural sugar, which is essential during the various seasons. A Fruit bird feeder will help the birds in your yard thrive. Migration, breeding, and the ability to keep proper body heat all require the energy derived from the natural sugars fruits and jellies provide.

Some are mixed with other offerings, from mealworms, to other seeds to boost both the repeated return to your yard or garden, and to improve the overall health of your bird friends. Birds love eating from a jelly feeder.

A Fruit bird feeder is an excellent choice to offer the nutrition birds need to not only thrive, but to repeatedly return to brighten your yard and bring viewing enjoyment. Some feeders with fruit and jelly feeders for birds come as stakes with the feeders and offer jellies, fruits and mealworms. Assembly of these is quite simple.

There are also bells made entirely of various nutritious things including, energy rich fruit to hang, that are both cheap and easily replaced as the birds will devour it to nonexistence. Many jelly feeders are environmentally friendly, being made from recycled plastic, preventing the added waste of more plastic in landfills.

Many are easily maintained and safe to clean in your dishwasher. The wonderful thing about these type feeders is that they're easily used, be it in your yard, or on the balcony in an apartment in the city. They will help ensure a memorable repeat bird viewing experience, as well as taking care of nature's creatures.